Category: psychedelic rock

Seedy Jeezus with Isaiah Mitchell and Tony Reed – Tranquonauts 2 (2024)

“After the release of the Tranquonauts debut album in 2016, which was spawn from from conversation between members of Seedy Jeezus and Isaiah Mitchell, we are on the precipice of the second instalment in the journey that is the Tranquonauts, which this time includes Tony Reed… Seedy Jeezus booked a studio in Melbourne and the following day they met up and locked themselves in the studio and jammed for hours …. recording random thoughts ideas and just playing where the music went, with no expectations, except to have a blast and enjoy themselves.”


Causa Sui – From the Source (2024)

“On ”From The Source”, Causa Sui’s first new studio album in four years, the band has created some of their most ambitious music ever – simultaneously travelling through the sonic landscapes that has come to define the group’s sound and pushing towards new horizons.With the four bandmember’s ties to jazz, experimental and ambient music, Causa Sui is something of an anomaly in the ever-growing European psychedelic rock scene. Always following their own path. Never before has the group’s wide ranging influences been more meticulously weaved together as on ”From The Source”, from groovy Zamrock and electric jazz to floating post-rock, Sabbath riffage and hypnotic kosmische.”

Temple Fang – Live at Krach am Bach (2024)

“In the summer of ’23 we hit the european festival circuit with a new drummer, Daan Wopereis, who had stepped in for Egon on a very short notice in June. There was really no time to write anything new so we’d decided to take a few oldies we hadn’t played for a while, rework them with fresh parts and energy and just go and wing it. On August 5th, we headed down to Beelen, Germany to play a festival we were very much looking forward to, the wonderful Krach am Bach… What ensued was what can only be described as magickal, audience and band melting together in one steamy ritual of psychedelia.”


Trigona – Isophase (2024)

“Isophase, the third instrumental album from Trigona, is now available on vinyl. Spread across six tracks, the album is tight and punchy, while still having plenty of space for weird, swirly, reversed, and multi-layered guitar and synth tracks. Heavier in places than the last Trigona record, Isophase blends influences like Neu, Acid Mothers Temple and Spiritualized to give the listener a 42-minute psychedelic road trip.”


Psychic Lemon – The Unheimlich Kingdom (2024)

“It is the band’s darkest yet, full of unrelenting repetition and piled high with dense slabs of sound, a total contrast to the sounds of their self-titled debut… It is a grim, powerful record and perfectly encapsulates these dark and, quite frankly, depressing times. It is the sound of a band rallying against the status quo and simply stating “enough is enough”; a true reflection of a dystopian future that has already descended on us.”


Bardo Pond – Volume 9 (2024)

“Bardo Pond’s extensive archive recordings series opens up once again with ‘Volume 9’, an incisive journey into their hypnotic sound. Recorded in the early 2000’s it’s a heady mix of acoustic ambience and menacing distortion. Infamous purveyors of longform stoner rock, Bardo Pond embrace their sludgestorms with graceful nods to Hawkwind, Earth and my bloody valentine. For anyone uninitiated with the band’s tranquilizing sound, Volume 9 leans into their mesmeric practise with reckless abandon.”


Edena Gardens – Dens (2023)

“Members of Papir & Causa Sui finalise Edena Gardens trilogy. True to El Paraiso fashion, Dens concludes a trilogy of albums, aptly spelling out the last third of the group’s name. And true to form, the band turns inwards rather than outwards, drawing on deep shades of ambient, slowcore, and the ghost of Mark Hollis. While maintaining their psychedelic edge, the trio weaves the lines between genres in a way that’s becoming a signature of its own. Never in a hurry, but always moving somewhere.”

Kanaan – Diversions Vol. 2: Enter the Astral Plane (2023)

“Diversions Vol. 2: Enter the Astral Plane is a collection of improvised compositions recorded in 2021. The record shows a different side of Kanaan, where the aim is to explore different states of mind and musical spaces where collective improvisation is at the forefront. Improvisation has been an important part of the band’s live shows from day one, but it hasn’t been as prominently documented on record – until now.”


Yawning Balch – Volume Two (2023)

“Bob Balch here. In November of 2022 I went out to Joshua Tree for a day of jamming with the guys in Yawning Man with the intention of calling it “Yawning Balch.” No riffs were planned. We just plugged in and played. The only discussion beforehand was that Gary Arce and I wanted to mess with tons of guitar pedals. I knew that while we were jamming it sounded great, but it wasn’t until I got home and listened to it all that I realized we had something special. It’s hard to believe that we jammed for five hours and got two full length LPs and then some out of it. Every player killed it on these recordings and I’m beyond grateful to have my name involved with this legendary band. Fingers crossed they invite me back out annually for more jam sessions. I hope you enjoy these jams and please use responsibly.”


The Myrrors – Live at Exploded View (2023)

“This half hour improvisation was recorded live at Exploded View Microcinema on occupied Tohono O’odham land on April 1st, 2015 around the time that our album Arena Negra was released. This was a short lived lineup of the band that nonetheless was incredibly active during that year, and was that which also performed at the band’s one (technically frustrated) appearance at Austin’s Levitation Festival.”

